
SchizophrEconomics – Part I

In economics, sometimes it’s ok to say “I’m not sure...” In economics, sometimes it’s ok to say “I’m not sure...” The broader economic story is normally more clear at this point in the business cycle. When we can tell a consistent story, we feel more confident in...

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Arizona Tax Collections and the Economy

I am often asked what indicators to follow in order to gauge what is going on in the Arizona economy.  One decent indicator is state tax collections since it picks up a lot of activity that recently happened... I am often asked what indicators to follow in order to...

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Arizona Adds Jobs. Gains Likely to Continue.

The Arizona job numbers for April are out and they look good.  And, it looks like the trend will continue in future months... The Arizona job numbers for April are out and they look good.  And, it looks like the trend will continue in future months. When looking at...

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A Good Idea That Could Be Great, Or…

There has been a decent amount of chatter regarding the design of the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity. I have been asked a number of times if I thought it was a good idea for Arizona, or simply political show. Here is an abbreviated review and opinion of...

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